What's new in SDScribe™ 2019

Easier to use

o   More intuitive controls, grouped by function.

o   Burgundy labels on SDS forms indicate required entries.

o   Improved SDS background help, with "Quick start" directions at the top.

o   Improved tour and guide window information.

o   Video instructions on several SDS tabs, and on the SDS browse list (internet connection required).

o   Improved error checking ("action items"), with priority ranking of SDS items.

o   Easier GHS hazard classification procedure, and a summary at the top of the Suggestion report.

o   More informative confirmation dialogs, explaining what the program is about to do or what it has done.

o   Single-click option for editing tables (set in Preferences).

o   Adding a row to a table will (in most cases) place the cursor into the first enterable cell.

o   Build SDS or GHS label while on any tab of the SDS entry form.

o   New warning if priority action items remain, before user builds the SDS.

More capable

o   More templates for starting SDSs

o   More validated Substances.

o   Improved stock phrases dialog, with:

·       Language/translation capabilities

·       Flexible import (tab-delimited text or csv, with 2, 4, or 6 columns)

o   Enhanced search capabilities on browse lists.

o   More extensive Research menu on entry forms (internet connection required).

o   Add GHS hazards from different GHS revisions (e.g., add environmental hazards to a US-OSHA SDS).

o   Improved printing from browse lists, with more print templates.


SDS Browse list


SDS entry form and action items


SDS entry form, "2 Hazards" tab, showing Suggestion report


Multi-select dialog for adding GHS hazard classifications



SDS entry form, Exposure-protection tab


Stock phrases dialog (paste one or more expressions into target field on SDS form)


Description: Ladue500_SSD:Users:djlapin:Desktop:Screen Shot 2019-05-10 at 1.44.41 AM.png
Warning before building the SDS, if action items need to be addressed


Substances browse list and partial view of entry form.


Printing from the Substances browse list



Program preferences